My Favorite Job Ad

Sling it!


Most everyone searches and applies for a job. Right now some of you are going, what does he mean by most everyone? There has been a growing trend over the past many years of people that haven’t wanted to work and get by very well living off of financial assistance instead of joining the workforce. Yes, there are individuals that are doing there best and need a hand up. I am not talking about those individuals. I am talking about the individuals who are taking advantage of the assistance. Anyway, not my topic. You see what you did there, you got me all riled up on a topic I’m not even writing about. That’s for another day.


Back, to my favorite job ad. There is a large national retail chain that places job ads in the paper and online letting people know they are hiring. Right now some of you just laughed out loud and some of you are wondering if I’m on drugs. Yes. A lot of national retail chains place job ads in the newspaper and online. No. I am not on drugs. See what I did there? I just informed some individuals that don’t have a job to look in their local paper or online and maybe they can go get one. Anyway, I love when this select retail chain places their ad.


It’s listed just like this, “(insert chain store) hiring for a part time pos associate. I always laugh hysterically when I read this. I guess if you feel you are a piece of sh*t, you have that job locked up. I always wonder how they determine those job requirements.

Job seekers; happy hunting!


Bring it!

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